Cheap but effective pneu conveying software?

Posted in: , on 31. Jan. 2006 - 12:52


Can anyone suggest a source of cheap but reliable software (spread sheet based perhaps but not essential) that I can obtain for some simple pneumatic system sizing tasks?

Many thanks

Mark Gallimore

Dennis Hauch - Freeport, TX, USA
(not verified)

Conveying Software

Posted on 31. Jan. 2006 - 03:21

I have yet to find a for-sale program that allows the user full access to the actual code, this is a problem. Disclaimers always accompany such programs, as rightly they should. I trust in God, I do not trust in calculations that I can not see.

There is one program, however, that is offerered at no cost that is backed with the requisite expertise and experince that make it a useful tool.

Go to this website.

Dennis Hauch, PE

Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 31. Jan. 2006 - 09:19

Dear Mark,

Pneumatic conveying and simple do not go together.

The influencing parameters of pneumatic conveying are so many and moreover complementary to each other, that any software will become rather complex.

And even then, the application of such software is only possible by the person, who developed that program.

Any simple program, used by another person than the author of that program will result in figures that are very hard to interpret.

simple = inaccurate and doubtful

accurate = extensive and complex

It may be strongly advisable to consult an engineer with a calculation program of which he understands how it works and backed up with a long and extensive experience in the field.

But do not give up.

best regards


Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 1. Feb. 2006 - 02:11


While I respect the opinions of the distinguised members who have offered their comments above, I do disagree with them slightly on this matter.

Our firm is the originator of the PNEUCALC pneumatic conveying system design software as well as other related software programs.

This program has been in service for nearly 20 years and has proven success. There are hundreds of users who have found our program to be useful and reliable.

The program allows sizing of all types of systems and is extremely user friendly.

Please visit our website for complete details.


Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 1. Feb. 2006 - 08:53

Dear Mark and other members,

A proper pneumatic conveying calculation goes as follows :


modeling intake, pipes, bends, diameter transitions, outlet, filter, air pump


initial pressure drop at intake

floating velocity

product resistance factor

product temperature

ambient pressure

ambient temperature

type of airpump

back pressure at end of pipeline

rotary lock losses

booster volume and injection location

compressed air cooling

filter resistance factor

CALCULATION at intervals of 0,001 second for :

pressure at fixed capacity

capacity at fixed pressure

product resitance factor at given installation performance

OUTPUT at locations 0,001 second apart :

air velocity

product velocity

pressure drop


residence time in the pipeline

mass of product in pipeline

Reynolds number

specific energy consumption

dynamic outlet force

energy consumption per pipe section

system capacity

system energy consumption

cycle time of kettles

required energy for :




product resistance

air friction

After this exercise, the results have to be interpreted, whether these results are plausible or acceptable. Otherwise changes in the input have to be made, determined by the expert.

This judgment requires knowledge of the theory (Newton, Bernouilly, thermodynamic laws)

and extensive practical experience.

The next judgment is whether the real installation is represented properly by the calculation and whether the results seem to be realistic.

As I experienced only last week at a cement storage pneumatic conveying installation,

the product properties can vary in such a way that rather unexpected observations occur.

A simple program can indicate a trend, but an experienced engineer is necessary, to cover the details.

An extensive program needs the experienced engineer even more.

That makes pneumatic conveying so interesting.

all for now


Software Fpr Pneumatic Conveying Design

Posted on 2. Feb. 2006 - 06:02


If you know basic Excel. you can use the method that is given in my article "Theory and Design of Pneumatic Conveying Systems" published in the April 2005 issue of Powder Handling and Processing magazine. This article takes out the mystery hidden behind the "off-the-shelf type" software packages that are sold, tells you in detail how conveying systems are designed, and gives all of the tools in simple and easy to understand terms.

You may like to consider this option.


Amrit Agarwal


Pneumatic Conveying Consulting

Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125

(not verified)

Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 23. Mar. 2006 - 09:51

Dear Amrit Agarwal,

Can you send me your article "Theory and Design of Pneumatic Conveying Systems" to my email

Thank you

Best Regard


Method For Pneumatic Conveying Calculations

Posted on 23. Mar. 2006 - 03:47


I will be glad to send a PDF copy of my article on the above subject to you. This article removes all of the mystery that is hidden behind most of the commercially sold software packages. It will explain in simple and easy to understand language how these calculations are performed.

Please send your request to my email address given below:

Amrit T. Agarwal

Consulting Engineer

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting


Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125

(not verified)

Dilute Phase Conveying Paper By Mr Amrit

Posted on 31. Mar. 2006 - 08:45

Mr Amrit 's article " theory and design of dilute phase pneumatic conveying " is a very useful article for calculating dilute phase conveying (for example, in my case, conveying of polyethylene powder using roots blower). You can convert the formulas in excel for your own studeis. I recommend that everyone involved in punematic conveying read it.

Joe Zhou

Pneumatic Conveying Calculation Priceples

Posted on 14. Mar. 2014 - 09:32

Dear Mr Agarwal,

Could you send a copy of your article to my email address:

Thanks and best regards,

Huang Tieshan

Quote Originally Posted by Amrit AgarwalView Post

I will be glad to send a PDF copy of my article on the above subject to you. This article removes all of the mystery that is hidden behind most of the commercially sold software packages. It will explain in simple and easy to understand language how these calculations are performed.

Please send your request to my email address given below:

Amrit T. Agarwal

Consulting Engineer

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting


Ph and Fax: 304 346 5125

Pneumatic Conveying Calculation Princeples

Posted on 14. Mar. 2014 - 09:38

Dear Mr. Argarwal,

Could you please send me a copy of your article to me to the following email address?

Thank you very much and best regards,

Huang Tieshan

Pneumatic Conveying

Posted on 21. Mar. 2014 - 10:30

I work as a project engineer. My first project in dense phase pneumatic conveying went off very well without any problem as the design was given by Omega Machinery UK.

The second dense phase pneumatic conveying project we had undertaken was on turnkey basis. We had taken design from a pneumatic conveying company. All we had was problems, and the compressor was getting overloaded, and everybody was blaming compressors.

Finally I had downloaded a preliminary working from the net for lean and dilute phase pneumatic conveying as no dense phase calculations were available. I had worked out calculations based on loading ratio 15. We took a chance and changed pipes as per this calculation. It worked perfectly.

I have put the calculations in excel. I do not intend to give this program, but will be happy to work out calculations.

Satinder Chadha

Compressors Sizing For Fly Ash Unloading

Posted on 1. Jul. 2014 - 03:16
Quote Originally Posted by Teus TuinenburgView Post
Dear Mark,

Pneumatic conveying and simple do not go together.

The influencing parameters of pneumatic conveying are so many and moreover complementary to each other, that any software will become rather complex.

And even then, the application of such software is only possible by the person, who developed that program.

Any simple program, used by another person than the author of that program will result in figures that are very hard to interpret.

simple = inaccurate and doubtful

accurate = extensive and complex

It may be strongly advisable to consult an engineer with a calculation program of which he understands how it works and backed up with a long and extensive experience in the field.

But do not give up.

best regards

Dear Teus,

I have been reading this forum for years and have seen you helping people requiring help in pneumatic conveying. I need your help. I need to size the compressors for unloading fly ash from bulkers to a silo of 2000 T at a rate of 160 TPH. Fly Ash has the density of 0.7 t/m3. Total conveying length is 50 mtrs. with two 90 degree bends. Altitude of site is 1.76M above MSL. Can you please calculate the size of compressors and pipe dia required? Thanks in advance.

Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 2. Jul. 2014 - 06:02

Dear manoij-p-thakur,

A bulker is more or less standardized at:

15 m3/min compressor

1.7 bar operational pressure


200 tons/hr requires a larger diameter pipeline and a bigger compressor.

A “standard” bulker would perform approx. 45 tons/hr.

A 12”pipeline with an appropriate booster compressor would result in approx. 125 tons/hr.

(Also a larger filter on top of the silo)

Is this investment worth the improvement?

Take care



Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 7. Jul. 2014 - 08:18
Quote Originally Posted by Teus TuinenburgView Post
Dear manoij-p-thakur,

A bulker is more or less standardized at:

15 m3/min compressor

1.7 bar operational pressure


200 tons/hr requires a larger diameter pipeline and a bigger compressor.

A “standard” bulker would perform approx. 45 tons/hr.

A 12”pipeline with an appropriate booster compressor would result in approx. 125 tons/hr.

(Also a larger filter on top of the silo)

Is this investment worth the improvement?

Take care


Hi Teus,

Thanks for your information.

Actually for my project, I was referring an existing fls project wherein to convey the flyash at a rate of 160 TPH, A vane compressor of 615 Nm3/hr at 2.1 kg/cm2 pressure has been sized. Conveying length is almost same i.e. 50 mtrs. Conveying pipe diameter is 5". Do you see any discrepancy in the compressor sizing here? Can you calculate for what conveying capacity the given compressor is actually suitable? If not for 160 TPH, can you size a compressor for me, suitable for 100 TPH of fly ash? Regards. Manoj

Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 7. Jul. 2014 - 09:06

Dear manoij-p-thakur,

A 615 m3/hr compressor is suitably sized for a 5” pipeline.

On a 50 m long conveying pipeline, the capacity would be approx. 45 tons/hr.

If you want to increase the capacity, a new installation has to be designed and built as indicated in the previous answer.

Take care



Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 7. Jul. 2014 - 03:48
Quote Originally Posted by Teus TuinenburgView Post
Dear manoij-p-thakur,

A 615 m3/hr compressor is suitably sized for a 5” pipeline.

On a 50 m long conveying pipeline, the capacity would be approx. 45 tons/hr.

If you want to increase the capacity, a new installation has to be designed and built as indicated in the previous answer.

Take care


Dear Teus,

would it be possible for you to size the compressor and pipes for 100 TPH fly ash unloading rate and provide me the calculation? It will be of great help.



Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 9. Jul. 2014 - 06:04

Dear manoij-p-thakur,

A 0.5 m3/sec (30 m3/min, 1800 m3/hr) compressor is suitably for a 8” pipeline.

On a 50 m long conveying pipeline, the capacity would be approx. 120 tons/hr.

This calculation is an indication as the actual product data and operational conditions are not know.

Again, it is strongly advised to consult an expertised and reputable manufacturer.

Take care



Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 9. Jul. 2014 - 06:07

Forgot to mention the pressure: 2.5 barg



Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 15. Jul. 2014 - 12:32
Quote Originally Posted by Teus TuinenburgView Post
Forgot to mention the pressure: 2.5 barg


Dear Teus,

Thank you very much.



Pneumatic Conveying Systems For Ash Handling Systems

Posted on 29. Apr. 2016 - 07:01

Dear Jack,

I have just joined the BULK ONLINE- Powder/ bulk portal. I am looking for a software which help our engineers do basic designing of pneumatic conveying systems with calculations for pipe size, compressor/ blower ratings, equipment sizes, pressure drop etc. I would appreciate if you can convey your contact details/ website for me to review and revert. Thanking you in anticipation.

Best regards,

Shrinivas Sapre- email-

Quote Originally Posted by pcchilbertView Post

While I respect the opinions of the distinguised members who have offered their comments above, I do disagree with them slightly on this matter.

Our firm is the originator of the PNEUCALC pneumatic conveying system design software as well as other related software programs.

This program has been in service for nearly 20 years and has proven success. There are hundreds of users who have found our program to be useful and reliable.

The program allows sizing of all types of systems and is extremely user friendly.

Please visit our website for complete details.


Re: Cheap But Effective Pneu Conveying Software?

Posted on 30. Apr. 2016 - 08:41
Quote Originally Posted by shrinisapreView Post
Dear Jack,

I have just joined the BULK ONLINE- Powder/ bulk portal. I am looking for a software which help our engineers do basic designing of pneumatic conveying systems with calculations for pipe size, compressor/ blower ratings, equipment sizes, pressure drop etc. I would appreciate if you can convey your contact details/ website for me to review and revert. Thanking you in anticipation.

Best regards,

Shrinivas Sapre- email-


Dear Shrinivas,

For what you are asking, you can use the design method described in detail in my article :"THEORY AND DESIGN OF DILUTE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING SYSTEMS". All you need is basic knowledge of Excel.


Amrit Agarwal

Pneumatic Conveying Consulting


About Software

Posted on 12. Jun. 2017 - 09:47
Quote Originally Posted by mgallimoreView Post

Can anyone suggest a source of cheap but reliable software (spread sheet based perhaps but not essential) that I can obtain for some simple pneumatic system sizing tasks?

Many thanks

Mark Gallimore

Did you come to find any software ?