Nano App Summit 2005

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Nano App Summit 2005: Nanotechnology Applications for Today

Oct. 17-19, 2005 – Wyndham at Playhouse Square, Cleveland, Ohio

Sponsored by Nano-Network and ASM International

Attend the application-focused nanotechnology event of the year, a unique gathering of industry leaders and academic experts.

Discover how nanotechnology is influencing product development and creating new business opportunities in the aerospace, automotive and consumer products industry.


Oct. 17 – Aerospace Track: Presenters from Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Sandia National Laboratories and more describe airframe materials, space vehicle survivability and safety issues.


Oct. 18 – Automotive Track: Presenters from GM, Ford, Goodyear and more describe advances like exfoliated nanoclays in new plastics, carbon nanofibers in tires and nanoparticles in coatings, to name a few.


Oct. 19 – Consumer Product Track: Presenters from Procter & Gamble, 3M, Nanofilm Ltd., NanoDynamics and more describe how nano is changing the face of consumer products, from ultra-thin films for sunglasses to materials that enhance golf ball performance.


Oct. 17-19 - NanoTech University: Learn more about nano and its real world applications from top instructors. Sessions are offered concurrently all three days of the Summit.


Oct. 17-18 - University Commercialization Showcase: Brings together academic and research experts with corporate executives, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs from across the country.

The Aerospace keynoter will be James Murday, Head, Chemistry Division, Naval Research Laboratory and Executive Secretary, NSTC Subcommittee on Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology. Presenters include Saraj Rawal, Senior Manager R&T, Advanced Materials & Structures, at Lockheed Martin Space Systems.

The Automotive keynoter will be John Ginder, of Ford Motor Company’s Physical and Environmental Sciences Department. The track features a presentation by Mark Verbrugge, Director of the Materials and Processes Lab at the GM R&D Center.

The Consumer Products keynoter will be Keith Grimes, Senior VP of R&D for Procter & Gamble. Presenters include Frank Armatis, 3M Manager of Corporate Materials Research, Keith Blakely, CEO of NanoDynamics, and Patti Glaza, CEO of Small Times.

If you are doing business in these markets, no other gathering will tell you more about the state of nanotechnology applications for today – not years from now. Join us for a high-quality learning and networking opportunity in Northeast Ohio, one of the top 10 hottest regions for nanotechnology activity.

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