European Symposium on Comminution

(not verified)

Dear Colleagues,

It is a pleasure to inform you that the 11th European Symposium on Comminution will be held in Budapest. (9-12 October 2006). It is the 648th event of the EFChE.

You can find detailed information on the WEB site:

You are kindly requested to forward this information to the relevant people. It is common interest to see many people during such an event.

If you wish to get copies of the printed version of Call for Papers inform please the SECRETARIAT of the conference.

Symposium Secretariat

H-1027 Budapest, Fo u. 68.

Phone: + 36 1 201 6883

Fax : + 36 1 201 8056


Or, if it is to much trouble to deal with such a dissemination may we ask you to send us the list of E-mail or postal addresses and we will do it.

An additional wish.

Can you do us a favour when you make your registration by Internet prereg.html

mention (e.g. in the box of Division, after your information) the following code: 8CH31? It is not obligatory.

With best regards,

Sndor Verdes

Chairman of the Conference

(not verified)

European Symposium On Comminution

Posted on 7. Mar. 2006 - 08:32

Dear Colleagues,

This is just a short notice.

The deadline of the the 11th European Symposium on Comminution (Budapest, 9-12 October 2006) has been changed for 15th of March.

Detailed information on the WEB site.

SECRETARIAT of the conference:

Symposium Secretariat

H-1027 Budapest, F u. 68.

Phone: + 36 1 201 6883

Fax : + 36 1 201 8056


With best regards,

Sndor Verdes

Chairman of the Conference