Bulk Days 2005

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Posted in: , on 30. Jun. 2005 - 18:15

Seminars and Workshops

The Bulk Academy presents as a premiere event BULK DAYS 2005.

The event takes place on October 12 and 13, 2005 during POWTECH 2005. It is located within the exhibition facilities of NuernbergMesse.

Target group are representatives, engineers, researchers and technical managers from industry, equipment suppliers and institutions who are

involved in any aspect of bulk materials handling, storage, transportation and processing.

BULK DAYS are offering a new format of seminars / workshops and case studies. They provide a platform to discuss state of art in technology. Each participant profits from the results and discussions of his own discipline and from adjacent and new fields of research. The contacts with colleagues from all over the world is an added bonus.

Topics - sneak preview:

Reliability of Bulk Materials Handling Supply Chain

Flow Properties in Design and Operation of Storage Facilities

Dense-Phase Pneumatic Conveying Suitability of Bulk Materials

Latest Developments in Pneumatic Conveying Technology

Troubleshooting Pneumatic Conveying Systems

Modelling and Scale-up for Design and Optimisation

Conveying Characteristics – the Secret to Success

Blow Tank and Rotary Valve Feeding Systems

Dust Hazards and Control Technology

Dust Removal, Collection and Management

Design of Plant to Minimise Dust Generation

Bin/Hopper Design

Feeders, Screws, Chutes

User Problems and Solutions – Forum

For more information, please visit:


or contact:

Bulk Academy

Mr. Jochen Baumgartner


Idsteiner Strasse 20

D-65193 Wiesbaden

Tel +49(0) 611.714062

Fax +49(0) 611.788 8854

e-mail baumgartner@bsb-communications.de


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