Re: Formula For End Cone Formation

Posted on 14. Dec. 2006 - 09:51

I don't know about others, but I don't understand the question???

Re: Formula For End Cone Formation

Posted on 16. Dec. 2006 - 03:38

Dwell time is the quotient of the cone volume & stacking rate. The question is so elementary I can quite understand Designer's quandry. Chevron & slewing are incidental but I suppose the calculations might involve mathematics: they tend to.

John Gateley

Re: Formula For End Cone Formation

Posted on 16. Dec. 2006 - 11:32

Originally posted by A Banerjee

Dear All,

Can any body help me by giving mathematical calculation for finding out stoping time required for forming end cone . I want to do with slewing stacker & CHEVRON method is to be followed.



You will avoid a big headache if you simply install a bindicator switch-a mercury tilt switch at the end of your stacker wired in series with your stacking conveyors belt drive and stacking material until the switch tilts and shut off the stacker belt-you can raise it or lower it as far you wish to gaurantee pile size without all the math for conic sections. after installing the tilt switch all you will have to do is time the delivery if you want or just move the stacker forward when it is stopped by the tilt switches breaking the elelctrical circuit of the belt conveyor.

All that is needed is to tape the mercury swithc to the length of pvc pipe at the bottom of length of pvc pipe and secure the electrical wire with small Kellum cable clamp-it-the clamp looks like a very large chinese finger puzzle to the boom of the stacker and let out as much as electrical cable as you wish to determine the pile height-then you can decide how high or low you want the stock pile and change the length of the cable to allow the mercury switch to shut off the stacking conveyor.

you will be able to form the end cone simply by adjusting the tilt switch if you want or just let it fill until it stops with no intervention on your part.

A simple solution from the soon to be frozen eastern wilderness