Need help for my thesis:)

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 27. Feb. 2005 - 10:18

hello everybody here.i am a undergraduate now in beijing and getting ready for my thesis on the "Systemic Planning of Distribution Center & Computer Aided Planning and Design(DC-CAP/D)".I come here to look for some useful information ,and please anyone here kindly give me help or direction .i hope to talk about "Modern Materials Handling" with you .

Re: Need Help For My Thesis:)

Posted on 28. Feb. 2005 - 12:36


In UK National & Regional Distribution Centres the product stockholding is activated when the cashier swipes the item over the barcode reader in the till at the point of sale. Release orders are then placed on the suppliers in sympathy with the outgoings from the RDC's. There is plenty of proprietary software available for completing this kind of task & none of it has much to do with the bulk handling topics in these forums. Logistics in RDC operations mean that grass being eaten now will be semi-skimmed milk, or similar, on the supermarket shelf 600kms away within 36 hours, or else! Bulk solids handling just doesn't work like that: Sorry.

PS if you log on to engineering there was an article there last week concerning the selection of a particular software package by a/the major transport operation in China.

John Gateley

(not verified)

Thank You

Posted on 28. Feb. 2005 - 01:42

hi john,thank you for your suggestion,and i will log on the website you told me.