Pipe Conveyors

Posted on 18. Jan. 2005 - 09:47

The maximum capacity for a pipe conveyor depends on the pipe diameter and speed.

The general pipe conveyor sizes range from diameter 150mm to 850mm.

dia 150 at 120 m/min would give maximum 95 m3/hr

dia 850 at 300 m/min would give maximum 7300 m3/hr

P Holt

Dosco Overseas Eng Ltd.

Pipe Conveyor Capacity

Posted on 22. Jan. 2005 - 07:43

A better way to answer the question is to list the cross-sectional filling area. This is 60% to 75% of the circular area inside the pipe. The volumetric rate will be the area times the speed and the tonnage rate will be the volumetric rate times the bulk density.

Joe Dos Santos

Dos Santos International 531 Roselane St NW Suite 810 Marietta, GA 30060 USA Tel: 1 770 423 9895 Fax 1 866 473 2252 Email: jds@ dossantosintl.com Web Site: [url]www.dossantosintl.com[/url]

Lump Size To Be Considered

Posted on 25. Jan. 2005 - 10:58

Dear Mr. Eysel,

cross section and belt speed are certainly two important parameters to calculate the theoretical throughput. Another important factor inluencing the capacity is the maximum lump size, since it is also determining the cross section and the permissible belt speed.


Holger Lieberwirth

Dr. Holger Lieberwirth TAKRAF E-mail: holger.lieberwirth@takraf.com Internet: www.takraf.com
Ingolf Neubecker - Thyssenkrupp Robins, USA
(not verified)

Re: Pipe Conveyor Capacity

Posted on 3. Feb. 2005 - 12:41

Dear Mr. Peter Eysel

We would size the max. at 10,000m^3/h and let it run at 7.0m/s, 3000mm belt width. This has not been designed yet but there is no reason against it. This would be 8000 tph of coal and would have a diameter of 820 to 850mm.

Capacity Of Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 11. Feb. 2005 - 06:59

Dear Mr.Peter,

Capacity of pipe conveyor depends on material being handled. For 850 pipe dia. you can transport 1000t/hr. of Coke where as for iron ore you can transport 14000t/hr.It is due to speed restriction of material to be transported.How can I indicate max. capacity of pipe conveyor?



Pipe Conveyor Capacity

Posted on 3. Apr. 2005 - 12:26

Dear Sir

the only restriction on pipe conveyor capacity is availablity of conveyor belt. In my knowledge belt manufacturer are not having belt press more than 3000mm wide .

considering 3000 wide belt 850 mm dia pipe is feasible.

In pipe conveyors we can go as high speed as in belt conveyors ie up to 7 m/sec .

Filling factor is to be considered maximum 70-75 percent

bsased on above one can decide maximum capacity of pipe conveyor



Re: Pipe Conveyor Capacity

Posted on 3. Apr. 2005 - 06:07

Dear Mr. Peter Eysel,

The pipe conveyor capacity, like belt conveyor, is volumetric in nature. There is certain achievable cross section m2 of material for each pipe conveyor size (diameter). This cross section multiplied by belt velocity provides the cubic m/sec (cubic m/hour).

The pipe conveyor cross-section would be circular or marginally oval depending upon make. For basic judgement, by end user, one can consider it circular. The material fill factor up to 80% possible but it would be safe to base it on 70 to 75% fill in context of design capacity. This would provide adequate safety margin in context of guaranteed capacity. The fill factor would be less for powdery material due to aeration, by few percentages (5 to 10%).

In general allowable lump size is one third of pipe diameter. So, diameter is to satisfy suitability for lump as well as capacity.

In general, belt speed would be like trough belt conveyor. The belt speed is a sensitive issue and my suggestion would be to remain reasonable. Too high speed can have certain disadvantages also. It also demands very high quality of idlers and other components. The competitive bidding results into tendency for higher speed.

So, you can judge the capacity of pipe conveyor by finding the circular cross section of pipe by simple method and then consider its achievable value around 75%. So, this will give you the judgement of capacity by incorporating the belt speed and bulk density.

The manufacturer’s product range mentions up to around 700 mm to 800mm diameter pipe. Higher size is certainly possible. Refer the manufacturers for more specific information.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email : parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916