Re: Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 22. Oct. 2004 - 12:31

Depends on the installation. The pipe conveyor can usually be set up to do well with varying loads when in a straight line.

When the pipe has to bend vertically and more so horizontally, the pipe tends to twist or cork screw with changing loads. The conveyor can be tuned, through roll steering positions, to keep the seam up with a load, but not all loads. However, there is a caveat to this. This assumes the belt tensions do no vary from this setup position. Thus, when be ambient temperature, or internal temperature ( hot product), or moisture is applied between belt and idler (rain), etc. vary the steering friction constants, then twisting will ocurr.

There are methods to counter this but ususally have their own problems.

Lawrence Nordell

Conveyor Dyanmics, Inc.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 22. Oct. 2004 - 07:36

Dear Shri Suresh,

As can be seen from Mr. Nordell’s reply, it is better to have somewhat steadier feed. So, you can think of incorporating a feature in your system (such as transition storage etc. at the starting point of the concerned section of the system) to ensure more regulated feed.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email :

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916

Pipe Conveyors

Posted on 9. Dec. 2004 - 11:41


The extent to which a pipe conveyor requires controlled feed depends on its design fill and lump size generally at its maximum design fill of say 75% the maximum lump size is 1/3rd of the pipe diameter so in this case a controlled feed is desirable to avoid overfill.

With lower design fills a larger lump size can be accommodated.

Ingolf Neubecker - Thyssenkrupp Robins, USA
(not verified)

Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 9. Dec. 2004 - 09:40

Dear Shri Suresh,

Half of our pipe conveyors have controlled feed and the other half was build without. It depends on length of belt, how many horizontal curves you have and drive system control. Uniform feed is good but a system can also be build without it.

Frans van der Zee
(not verified)

Re: Pipe Conveyor

Posted on 26. Jan. 2005 - 02:02

Dear Sir,

A pipe conveyor needs a regular feed, as you can see from the various repies.

An alternative which can even make smaller horizontal and vertical curves is the EBS Conveyor. This conveyor is not sensitive for any alignment problem whatsoever.

But the capacities are limited till about 500 ton/hour.

For more information, see

The english translation will be on line soon.

Best regrards

Frans van der Zee

Iron Ore Characterisitcs

Posted on 29. Jan. 2005 - 08:56


the application of a specific item depends very much on the material charcterisitcs of your iron ore. I had once to deal with a fine iron ore which was sticky as sh... For such a material I would definitly recommend a controlled feeding solution. If the pipe is used to sqeeze the ore in shape the system will not work properly.


Dr. Holger Lieberwirth TAKRAF E-mail: Internet:

Pipe Conveyor Feeding System

Posted on 3. Feb. 2005 - 12:46

Dear Mr. Suresh,

In my openion for pipe conveyor design controlled feed is a must other-wish one must have problem of rotation of pipe & spillage. However, there are installation where there is no controlled feed to pipe conveyor.

