Looking for the info about waste recycling plants

Posted in: , on 30. Sep. 2004 - 13:41

Dear Sirs/Madams,

I'm looking for the info about the Waste recycling plants all over the world with the capacity 10-15'000 tonnes per year.

I looked through the different sites but didn't find any info about it. Probably the reason is that this plant has to be "mini" I mean with not great capacity...

we are going to build such kind of the plant and first of all we have to collect the info...

hope to get the replies soon.]

Thanks in advance.

Good luck!
(not verified)

Waste Is Where The Action Is

Posted on 1. Oct. 2004 - 02:54

Within the industry of Waste Management or Waste re-cycling in many cases, with proper planning, the waste material can be turned into a valuable product which is a source of income. Very often, one industry's waste material can be another company's raw feed material.

Can you be specific as to: What type of "waste material" are you looking to re-cycle?

Most of the waste materials which are generated by society can be eliminated as a waste material or can be reduced dramatically in volume. Each waste stream is a unique material and a process needs to be developed for each specific material.

The processing of waste streams is just beginning and virtually all of the processing involves agglomeration.

Re: Looking For The Info About Waste Recycling Plants

Posted on 1. Oct. 2004 - 05:14

Dear KIM76,

We have been designing and supporting various recycling facilties here in Canada, including one that you may have heard of the famous SWARU plant in Hamilton Ontario.

We are affiliated with a Belgium Separating company in the way that there engineering and ours is traded for projects either committed here or Europe.

We would certainly talk with you one to one, not over this device, so that we could decide if working together would help your cause.

Call me at 1-905 563-8500

Ask For Donald Roy

For Pelletman

Posted on 4. Oct. 2004 - 07:58

I mean the solid (hard) domestic waste....and I need the info about the factories...do you know any?

Good luck!
(not verified)

Municipal Solid Waste Processing Facilities

Posted on 4. Oct. 2004 - 04:11

A web search for what, I believe, that you are invesitgating; solid (hard) domestic, is identified as "MSW". A search for: Municipal Solid Waste processing facilities would be a good starting point.

The largest facility that I'm aware of, was for the twin cities, in the state of Minnesota USA aka. "Pig Island" AND the smallest project with the greatest monetary return was for a large automotive factory that collected it's own "received and generated waste" as a "processed" prepared feed stock for use as an additive for it's coal fired Bubbling Bed Fluid Bed Combuster, optimizing burner efficiency.

In addition to large cities, much work has been done in less populated rural "town's". Depending on the scope of work you are looking to provide, this information should assist you.

To Pelletman

Posted on 5. Oct. 2004 - 03:02

thanks for the help...

best regards,


Good luck!

Domestic Waste Recycling

Posted on 21. Oct. 2004 - 10:14

Dear Kim76,

my engineering company supports companies and authorities

having questions and tasks concerning the mechanical processing of waste.

According to local decisions the process of recycling municipal waste

may be a varying combination of separate collection of different parts

of the municipal waste and of separating the waste within separation plants.

You may contact me to get more information.

Eugen Hopmann


A-Q-U Ingenieurbüro

Schillerstraße 25

59269 Beckum


Tel: +49-2525-950507

Fax: +49-2525-950508

Email: info@a-q-u.de
