Coal unloading and handling

Posted in: , on 13. Sep. 2004 - 19:03

I am looking for typical costs or charges for ship unloading/stacking/reclaiming/rail loading of coal.. Annual throughput 5-10 million tonne per year.

Any help would be appreciated.

Richard Stevenson

Re: Coal Unloading And Handling

Posted on 13. Sep. 2004 - 07:19

Dear Mr. Richard Stevenson,

Are you looking for cost per tonne of coal for doing the said function or for the cost of plant to do such work? Incidentally, where is the plant located? This information will help the respondents to this forum. What are the operational hours per year?


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email :

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916

Coal Unloading And Handling

Posted on 14. Sep. 2004 - 10:54

Dear Mr Mulani,

I am looking for operating costs or charges (not cost of plant) per tonne for handling coal through a port, that is the unloading,stacking,reclaiming and rail loading functions, for an economic study. Berth occupancy would be in the range: 4000 - 5000 hours per year. Location is Latin America.


Richard Stevenson

Re: Coal Unloading And Handling

Posted on 14. Sep. 2004 - 07:58

Dear Mr. Richard Stevenson,

This data can only be available from the owners of similar existing facility in your region (similar i.e. nearly similar equipment on m3/hour basis). In case, the m3/hour capacity is different, even then the data would be valid and can be marginally adjusted to your application condition.

I suggest you to contact port authorities or owner of such system in South America or North America, who will have the ready data.

India does not export the coal much. In bulk materials, the iron ore is exported with elaborate handling facility at ports. If you wish you can refer to Indian port authorities, but as I said it is not much for the coal.

As I understand, coal is extensively handled at ports in Australia and Indonesia. You may also refer in these countries.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email :

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916

Re: Coal Unloading And Handling

Posted on 14. Sep. 2004 - 11:00

Dear Mr Stevenson

As all the other respondends have indicated, there is a lot of variability in this and companys conduct serious studies just to get a budget price. The region bears influence, but also the feature denisty you desire, and what your proximity is to operational services, like maintenance services, etc.

However, we can say this. For the plant you describe, you probably need one stream with a capacity of 2000tph, which is quite a reasonable size. Assuming you'll load into Panamax size ships, I think you are looking at a capital cost in the order of USD100M.

However, do be careful how you use that figure. For an initial look, this will be fine.

[B]Helmut Mayer[/B] B.E.-Aerospace B.Sc.-Psyc Director and Principal Engineer Mayer International Design Engineers Pty Ltd Specialist Engineering of Material Handling Equipment, Cranes and other Custom Machines Australia

Re: Coal Unloading And Handling

Posted on 19. Sep. 2004 - 09:28

Dear Sir;

I saw your message on

Referenced to this site,

Our firm manufactures grabs for discharging.

The grabs are especially used on grain, cement, rock, fertilizer, scrap, coal end atc...

You can see some photos following. our products;

- Remote Control Type

- Mechanic grab types (touch down, double wired, orange peel)

- Electro Hydro grab types (two mought and orange peel)

If you want to see our catalogue on the web, click this

You can see more informations on web site,

Best Regards, Engin Demir Industry Engineer / Sales & Exp. Mang. Guven Grab and Machine Co.Ltd. / TURKEY Sultan Orhan Mah Hasköy Sanayi Sitesi 12 A- Blok No: 11-12-13-14 GEBZE / KOCAELI /TURKEY Tel: 0090 533 477 9805 Fax : 0090 262 644 3621

Re: Coal Unloading And Handling

Posted on 20. Sep. 2004 - 06:38

Please have a look at our website:

We have done more than 10 installations for coal users in the last 3 years. For a 2000 series E-crane you should calculate approx. 30c per offloaded ton. If you can give me your labor rate, cost per KWH and some informationa s to the lower ( Rail-crawler etc). I can give you more specific information. If you e-mail me I will send you a questionnaire and we can give you some hopefully useful information. Best regards Jerry E. Hoffmann

Re: Coal Unloading And Handling

Posted on 3. Oct. 2004 - 07:38

Dear Mr. Richard Stevenson,

As I said earlier, the best option to get a reliable cost figure (to decide for business analysis / venture) is to refer to port authorities who have similar or somewhat similar system. Such authorities may have difficulty in giving you such data in writing, but if you visit / speak to them, you may get / collect / infer the data from them.

However, just for an exercise (or guess work), say if we consider plant capital cost as USD 100 Million as mentioned by Mr. Helmut Mayer, the yearly average cost for spares, maintenance and operation (as if for perpetual life), may be around 12.5% of the total figure. So, this amount will be USD 12.5 Million. Adding for civil work, loan interest component etc, say this amount will become total USD 15.5 Million? This will handle 5 to 10 Million tonne of coal i.e. average 7.5 Million tonne. Accordingly, unit price is USD 2 per tonne. It is clarified that I do not have my own figure. This is just an inference of the forum discussion. So, readers can treat it accordingly.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email :

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916

Coal Unloading And Handling

Posted on 5. Oct. 2004 - 11:05

Thanks for all your responses, which are a great help in clarifying our thinking.

With regard to I G Mulani's pricing exercise, we would allow 20-30% for civils and other project costs and depreciate over 20 years, giving an annual depreciation cost of USD 6.5 million. Loan interest of around 8% would be, say, USD 10 million. Total annual cost would then be USD 29 million.

For an annual throughput of 7.5 million tonne, the unit price would then be about USD 4 per tonne. Would anyone like to comment?


Richard Stevenson

Re: Coal Unloading And Handling

Posted on 5. Oct. 2004 - 10:08

Dear Every body..

I agreed with Richard our price is about 4.75 USD / ton but the cost to unload 1 ton is about 2,6 USD all depends the facilities yo have to offer.



Marcelo A Alonso.

Re: Coal Unloading And Handling

Posted on 6. Oct. 2004 - 10:14

Dear Mr. Stevenson

Your overall project costs can be cut considerably


We have a coal yard available (2) 4000tph Stacker-Reclaimers, sorters, sampler, train loadout etc. We can also offer surplus Ship Unloaders/Loaders.

Please feel free to contact us anytime.


Al Goodmundson
