Selby Drift Conveyor

Posted in: , on 19. Apr. 2004 - 15:06

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a contact for Selby Colliery in the UK.

I recently read an article on the Installation of the belting and would like to have a look at the system when I am in the area.

Being a ST7100 belt with 990 metres of lift it would have been quite a project.

Does anyone know if this belt has been changed out since 1985?

Also who was the company involved in the installation?



Selby Complex

Posted on 19. Apr. 2004 - 02:46


The main drift for the UK Coal Selby coal complex is at Gascoigne Wood Pit

Tel +44 1977 721661

The people who operate the wash plant where the conveyor discharge's are

C White Ltd who are owned by A Ogden Ltd of Boston Spa

Tel +44 1977 681786

I think Fenners look after the conveyor belt

Re: Selby Drift Conveyor

Posted on 1. May. 2004 - 10:50

The belt was changed out in the late 1990's or early 2000's. I believe BTR old and new. Its been a few years since visited during the time they were about to place the order.

At that time I visited Mr. Ian Dixon was in charge of Selby's conveyor operations.

I thought Selby mining was about to be retired or already is.

Lawrence Nordell

Conveyor Dynamics, Inc.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450