Floating platform for iron-ore conveyor belt

Griffa Victor
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 10. Apr. 2004 - 13:22

I have been consulted about the possibility to build a floating platform capable to operate in calm waters carrying a conveyor belt system with a capacity of 1000 tons x hour of ore. It will operate in a port in which the ship to be loaded will be moored at 200 mts far from the pier. I was told that in Italy a similar project already exists. I am looking for somebody in this forum to furnish information and ideas related to this project. I'm interested in starting a business contact with someone who has developed this.

(not verified)

Re: Floating Platform For Iron-Ore Conveyor Belt

Posted on 20. Apr. 2004 - 06:40

I can help you found maker of pontoon in polish shiprepair yards, but I need more information, some skeches of idea.

Z. Bozykowski

Floating Conveyor

Posted on 26. Apr. 2004 - 09:14


As a design build contractor Agrico Sales has looked at installing a shiploader on a floating platform (barge, pontoon, ship, etc.)

We are confident that we can design and build conveyors/shiploaders on a floating platform. We're interested in projects that need this type of equipment.

See our website at: www.agricosales.com


Bob Rieck

Re: Floating Platform For Iron-Ore Conveyor Belt

Posted on 27. Apr. 2004 - 02:25


There is/was a floating grab crane used to transfer coal from lighters/barges onto bulk carriers moored off East Kalimantan(Borneo). There is too much intermediate handling in that method.

I designed a floating continuous ship loader for a large quarry in the Persian Gulf.

Loading boom length was 35m: counterbalance was provided by the elevating linkspan & the pontoon was fine positioned by the ship's winches and an onshore quick-return counterweight.

Your 1000 tph suggests a medium vessel and with the narrower beam the boom length could be reduced to match.

Can you be more specific on the proposed mooring regime, particularly the alignment of any dolphins to the shoreline? If the owner can provide a couple of dolphins then the job is much simplified.

If you need any more insight I would be pleased to assist/design.

Best regards - Eur Ing John Gateley - johngateley@hotmail.com

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com