Seeking position

Gé Boeyink
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 5. Apr. 2003 - 18:27

I am seeking a position and or a cooperation relative to sales management and/or business development in the solids industry.

In twenty five years, I have developed an extensive knowledge and experience specifically in thermal processes. The last 8 years specific know how was gathered in the indirect heat transfer of free flowing solids.

The european operation of Bulkflow Technologies Inc. was set up by me.

I am specifically interested in :

1. leading a direct or representative sales group or

2. establishing such for a company that is seeking a business development in Europe.

Specific know how is available in Fertilizer, Polymers, Detergents, Sugar and chemicals such as sodiumpercarbonat, soda ash etc.

I may be contacted at for further details.

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