Sales Manager; Business Development Manager

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 12. Dec. 2002 - 05:53

Throughout the twenty seven years of my career, I have served in progressive areas of responsibility relative to sales, sales management, product management, and business management. While I have enjoyed a successful career, I have unfortunately encountered many self serving people who were much more concerned in fulfilling their own agendas, than working as a team leader to attain a common goal. While some of these have tried to take away from my career others have contributed significantly to my life. In turn, I have become stronger through all of these relationships as I have learned to pity the ones who have taken, and I will forever be appreciative to those who have given. In turn, I have become a stronger person whose integrity can not be waivered by others pettiness. Instead, I have purposed in my heart to have a positive affect on all who I have, am, or will be responsible for during my career. Anyway, what is responsibility without accountability?

This considered, I am seeking an opportunity to join a company in a senior leadership role. You will find my extensive experience and knowledge that I have gained throughout my career to be beneficial in building a strong sales or business development team. This knowledge has been gained both in North & South American markets relative to the mining, power, & process industries both through corporate and site experience with gold and copper to coal and aggregate applications for material handling systems and components. You will also find me to have an outstanding report with many oem and engineering identities in both markets with regard to specifications of such products.

I am looking to make a change in my career. While I want to find a opportunity relative of sales management of direct, distribution or manufacturers representative personnel, as I have experience in each area. I would also consider a business development management situation. In such consideration, you will find my leadership and character to be of much higher standards than those I, and many managers like myself, have had to tolerate.

Please contact me by return e-mail:

(not verified)

Re: Sales Manager; Business Development Manager

Posted on 5. Dec. 2003 - 12:28

Please forward your resume. I am interested in reviewing your qualifications.