Pastures New

Posted in: , on 8. Dec. 2002 - 12:15

Dear Friends/Colleagues,

It's been 14 years since I first started working in the field of Powder Milling and Air Classification first with Alpine (later Hosokawa), then Wedco and finally British Rema.

The time has come to try something new and I have now left British Rema to start in a new challenging role with Fluid Filtration and Separation experts Pall Life Sciences.

After such a long period working specifically in the field of powder processing it is natural to have formed good working relationships with numerous contacts and colleagues.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your friendship and professional support over the years. It has been a rewarding time with much fun along the way. I am remaining in the process industry but now specifically in Biopharmaceutical filtration with Pall.

I intend to maintain an interest by remaining as moderator to this forum. Now having no direct link to any powder processing company I can impart truelly independant advise.

Please feel free to make good use of this valuable forum. This gives you a link to many industry professionals. They can help!

It may be, if circumstances allow, that we will make contact in the

future. Meanwhile, I wish you all the best and once again thank you.

Malcolm Cunningham

(not verified)

Introduction To Sortech

Posted on 15. Apr. 2003 - 10:24


we are interested to find a partner for a joint R&D projects with UK companies that complement our separation equipment.

Could you advize the names of the companies please?


The TriboClassifierTM developed and patented ( USA # 6,439,394 B1 and # 6,095,965 ) by “SorTech Separation Technologies LTD” uses a new technology for dry bulk powder process separation and classification.

TriboClassifierTM uses a rotating conical bowl and has a surface roughness and rotational speed calculated to best suit the particular classification requirement.

The TriboClassifierTM is fully enclosed with a small footprint, a very modest power requirement and can process powder at the rate of several kilograms to tons per hour.

SorTech has developed a novel classification process based on triboclassification. The Triboclassifier™ utilized the principal that, if a particle is moving over a surface whose roughness is comparable to the particle size, the apparent coefficient of friction depends on particle size.

The TriboClassifierTM is suitable now for bulk powder with mean particle sizes in the range of 10µm to 300µm.

The company’s experience, earned through extensive research and development on a variety of materials and with different separation objectives, shows that the Triboclassifer can provide solutions to many existing problems.

Adi Mogilevsky, Mr., MBA

Marketing Director

Sortech Separation Technologies Ltd..

5 Keryat Mada St.

Har Hotzvim Technology Park

Jerusalem, Israel 91450

Mobile: +972-67-805-649

Tel: +972-2-5870662

Fax: +972-2-5870642


machine photo (JPG)

Uk Companies For R&D Classification

Posted on 21. Apr. 2003 - 10:53

What kind of companies are you looking for? Do you wish to contact companies involved in selling Air Classiers or companies using Air Classiers?

If you can give me more detials I may be able to assist.