New BSI Standard for Troughed Belt Conveyors

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 24. Jul. 2002 - 18:13

Ref:- British Standards BS 2890 and BS 5934

The BSI has decided to undertake the drafting of a new standard for troughed belt conveyors which will effectively replace the above two standards.

The scope of the new proposed standard is :-

This British Standard specifies the mechanical design, dimensional requirements and methods for calculating the operating power requirements for non-mobile troughed belt conveyors incorporating carrying idlers. The standard also specifies methods for calculating the forces exerted on the belt by the idlers and other mechanical handling components.

This standard applies to conveyors using rubber or plastic belting , with textile reinforcement (complying with BS490-1), carrying loose bulk materials, having a maximum speed of 5m/s.

This standard does not apply to the following categories but can be used as a guidance document for them:-

(a) underground mining conveyors

(b) conveyors handling materials that do not behave as bulk solids,

(c) conveyors fitted with steel cord belting.

It is proposed that the new standard will draw together the information previously contained within BS 2890 and BS 5934 with further information added with regard to basic conveyor and component selection, grades of idlers, typical values for basic calculation purposes and typical conveyor calculation examples.

If you have any comments regarding the existing contents of the above standards or views about the inclusions within the proposed standard then please contact me.

Raymond Hodgkinson

(not verified)

Re: New Bsi Standard For Troughed Belt Conveyors

Posted on 26. Jul. 2002 - 09:43

Raymond Hodgkinson,

The British Standards BS 2890 and BS 5934 should include the "Enclosed and Self-Cleaning Belt Conveyors" and standard calculations do not apply to these conveyors. Most companies that manufacturer these conveyors consider these calculations confidential information. We are a manufacturer of these conveyors and would be willing to offer some information. But, we do also hold this information as confidential. General information should be included as these conveyors are widely used in the UK.

Best Regards,

John D. Nelson

Hi Roller Conveyors

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Fabric Belt Power Consumption

Posted on 10. Dec. 2002 - 09:40


A belated reply to the subject on polymer reinforced fabric (polymer) standards for calculating power and belt tension. Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. (CDI) have studied the phenomenon in both fabric and steel cord. The problem is a lot easier to quantify in steel cord belt construction. Here, the principal loss is from the lower belt cover (pulley cover) thickness strain field in contact with the idler roller set.

In fabric belt, the rolling resistance loss incorporates the total belt thickness strain field. The whole belt is deformed over and between the idler sets. CEMA's phenomenalogical equations do a fair job for most fabric belts. How does the new standard differ from CEMA?

The belt's viscoelastic rubber and fabric properties have a major bearing on power and tension performance. How do you account for the difference in manufacturers' viscoelastic properties. It seems to me that there is no academic studies of fabric belt power and tension performance enhancements using better rubber and fabric properties. It is a shame that most belt conveyors, by total installed meters, are not studied for energy efficiency!

I invite you to our website ( to get a brief web illustration, and through our publications, on how power consumption is derived from classical mechanics.

Hoping to Collaborate,

Lawrence Nordell


Conveyor Dynamics, Inc.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450