World Conference on Sampling and Blending

(not verified)

World Conference on Sampling and Blending: WCSB1

WCSB1 to take place August 20-22, 2003 in the city of Esbjerg, Denmark

First announcement

You are cordially invited to attend WCSB1. This will be the first world conference dedicated exclusively to the science and practise of representative sampling and blending.

It has been fifty years since the first fundamentals of a Theory of Sampling (TOS) was formulated in 1950. It has been 25 years since the complete and comprehensive formulation of TOS was reached. TOS has been described in more than ten books and in hundreds of published papers.

TOS is the singular achievement of Dr. Pierre Gy.

TOS should be recognised as an indispensable part of all industrial and scientific enterprises in which representative sampling and homogenization or blending is required. TOS is used extensively in many industrial contexts where it is well known that incorrect and unreliable sampling always results in severe economic losses. TOS has at times (wrongly) been accused of being “difficult” due to its strict mathematical and statistical foundations, and because of its rigorous theoretical derivation. Yet it is now possible to formulate the entire theory within a framework of very simple concepts, including only seven types of sampling errors and to delineate seven sampling unit operations, which serve to characterise and deal satisfactory with any sampling and blending problem, all industries included.

Still today there is hardly any major university curriculum which includes TOS - WHY?

Objectives of WCSB1:

- To disseminate knowledge of the needs for representative sampling as well as correct homogenization and blending to the worldwide academic and professional communities

- Foster unity between all interested parties: sampling experts, equipment manufacturers, standards- & norm writers, university research and teaching staffs regarding this objective

- To honour the founder of TOS, Dr. Pierre Gy, for his lifelong devotion to the science and practise of the Theory of Sampling and Blending

- To launch a new worldwide organisation to further the above objectives on an effective, sustained level, ISBF: the International Sampling and Blending Forum. ISBF shall work mainly in the academic context for the above objectives; ISBF intends to collaborate constructively with the already existing French professional expert organisation ISI (International Sampling Institute)

WCSB1 will be the first world conference dedicated exclusively to the science and practise of sampling and blending. There have been many professional conferences through the last 50 years in which sampling has been presented and played sometimes a minor, sometimes major role within the confines of specific professional organisations and communities. The Theory of Sampling (TOS) has seen an appreciable number of applications, e.g. within the mining and mineral processing industries, the cement industry, food safety, food processing as well as in some other industrial process industries, notably the chemical and oil/gas industry sectors, but the experiences gained from these endeavours have not been sufficiently shared at all.

It is now felt that it is appropriate to establish a dedicated forum for scientific and practical exchange of experiences regarding the theory of sampling – with a special focus regarding the use and practical and economical benefits of TOS. This latter – while evident for the industry already involved – will serve as a very important argument for many other scientific communities and specialists’ contexts for starting to make (more) serious use of TOS. This applies particularly to many of the worlds’ analytical chemical - and process technology university departments, not to mention the worldwide technical university realm. Biology, geology, geography, medicine are but other obvious fields which also stand to gain from a more in-depth knowledge about proper sampling and blending techniques.

Launching an inaugural world conference is not the same as organising just another of an already established tradition of scientific conferences, however. There are many unknowns. Indeed it would not amount to much more than a risky financial endeavour were it not certain that the perceived need for this initiative was indeed a reliable reflection of the objective realities. We have therefore decided to carry out a small, but highly relevant, directed survey of this issue.


We would like to ask you personally to respond to the following:

1. Would you perhaps consider attending WCSB1, Aug. 20-22, 2003, in Esbjerg, Denmark?

2. Would you be willing to disseminate information about WCSB1 in your professional community? (- the secretariat of WCSB1 will of course furnish you with all the pertinent material)

3. Would you be willing to serve as a member of the WCSB1 scientific -/organisation committee if called upon?

4. Are you able to estimate the number of potential attendees from your own local, or more general relevant scientific community? The scientific/org. committee has set a goal of 75 attendees for this first ever world conference – which will constitutes an acceptable and reasonable economical background for WCSB1. It is of course hoped that this minimum requirement be surpassed.

5. Would your organisation be willing to consider a small/medium/significant contribution towards the practical realisation of WCSB1. Small: $ 350.- Medium: $ 500.- Significant: $ 750.- and above.

All contributions will be tax deductible; receipts and full documentation will be supplied.

6. Is there any OTHER communication, or opinion, which you feel compelled to send to us regarding WCSB1 (or ISBF)? Please do, without hesitation!

Kindly respond at your earliest convenience, but please before August, 2002, to:

Kim H. Esbensen, interim chairman of WCSB1

For the benefit of your deliberations, we enclose below further information which is ready at the present time, e.g. information about:

- the preliminary scientific program of WCSB1 (to be further developed)


- general information on the city of Esbjerg (in the relevant August summertime)


- the cultural scene in Esbjerg during the conference


- hotel BRITANNIA, the chosen venue for WCSB1


- How to get to Esbjerg? (directly, or via Copenhagen international airport)

Also, please take a look at the internet homepages for both WCSB1 and ISBF:

Interim organizing committee for WCSB1 and ISBF:

Kim H. Esbensen, chairman

Dominique Francois-Bongarcon

Pentti Minkkinen

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